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Japanese Cultural Values - FOOD!

Are you hungry yet? Why does food in anime and manga look so delicious? This week we dove into the delicious manga series, OSHINBO. The story is a battle between two newspaper companies in the hopes of capturing japans best traditional foods in a grand menu for all to see. Each chapter focuses on a specific dish, or a seires of dishes using similar ingredients, or a course of meals. They go into depth as to the history, the flavor, how too cook it, and WHY to cook it. OSHINBO makes me ask the WHY questions a lot. I was not agains any of it. never once did I question WHY are they even making this? No, I questioned Why isn't that in my stomach? Or Why would they go through such extremes to perfectly capture each dish in great detail? The answer was always well delivered. The history tells is all, but the way characters respond to it and the stories they share from these dishes, reminds me much of my own culture. In Cuba, we have many specific meals and if made the right way, they...

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